• unisex
  • brand: HEP est1952
  • size: LL (26cm-27cm)
  • color: black
  • material: 合成皮革 合成底
  • no: TW79198127
  • ¥ 9,900

The name of Hep sandals came from the movie "Roman Holiday."Audrey Hepburn has worn open-toe sandals in the film, so they came to be called Hep sandals friendly in Japan.
​ping street or the neighborhood... Hep sandals have been used for many years as living tools in Japan that can be put on easily out.

Kawahigashi Hakimono Shoten was established in 1952 as a footwear business in Nara.
"HEP" will updates the Hep sandals from various angles for the future have been loved for a long time.
To hope you can take the first step anywhere effortlessly.
From the earthen floor in a house to the garden. From the entrance to the shop.

GNK : ギプス用のサンダルをソースとしたモデル。履く人の甲の高さに 応じてマジックテープでフィット感を調整できます。

休みの日は(休みでなくても) このくらい気楽で構わないよという方、意外と多いのでは?